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Retro Games Archive
Serving 171,589 ROMs For 144 Consoles With 218 Emulators & 9,279 Cheat Codes.

Sharp X68000

4th Unit Act 5 - D-Again (19xx)(Data West)[Disk 2 of 4][xdf].zip

Nintendo Nes

Kinnikuman - Muscle Tag Match (J) [o1].zip

Sharp X68000

Quintia Road (19xx)(Great)[Disk 2 of 4][xdf].zip

» Download Emulators

10.13.08 - Leechers Beware

This post goes out to anyone who has attempted or is thinking about attempting leeching the roms on this site. You are limited to 30 downloads a day (You can't bypass this ever so don't try). Secondly we secure our download urls with a 5 second time interval based encryption hash. In short you won't ever be able to leech the files because every second a new url is generated for that download file unique for the user. Plus you are only allowed one open tcp/ip connection to the downloads server. Furthermore we scan bandwidth usage and watch for heavy leechers. If you download the same file over and over, or you attempt to hack or leech the download area you will be auto banned by the server for up to 6 hours.

You have been educated!

PS: For anyone who doesn't abuse this service, this means that downloads will be sent to you faster because leechers can't get them!

10.06.08 - Dope Roms Backend Software Upgrades

Site upgrades and improvements have lead to increased download speeds and way less lag. We are constantly working on improving this site and bringing you the absolute best free rom service. Some new upgrades include increased speed when accessing pages and downloads, Improved rom listing with ajax quick search, Newest Roms added on the front page, and a brand new News section where we will be covering all of the top emulation news. Stay tuned for more updates.

9.30.08 - Another New Box

Well the 3 hour downtime thing was way wrong. It took an entire day to move files from the erroring hard drive. Now we are setup on a new server with RAID so this problem won't happen again. The site is back online and ready to roll. Sorry for the downtime and delay.


9.28.08 - HD Errors & Server Move

Ok so to get right to the point. Since today (9.28.08) we have a little problem with our hard drive.

Everyone is being forced to view this page so we do not damage our existing hard drive further. No files have been lost. This problem will be fixed ASAP.

As of right now it is in queue to be replaced and a reinstall will happen ASAP. Expect at least 3 hours of downtime.

On another note we are (yet again) going to upgrade the server. More information will be posted on this blog when the time comes.

9.13.08 - Random Roms & Top Roms

Well it's that time again. Time to add more new features to the site!

There is now a selection on the left menu to select a random rom. Clicking that link will select a random rom from doperoms.

Also the Top Games link menu on the right has now been renamed to Top Roms. There is also a new link under it for more top roms based on whatever system you are currently browsing.

That's it for now. Check back often for more blog updates.

8.30.08 - Database Cleanup

For anyone interested we are optimizing and repairing our database and rom integrity. We have had a few issues with some empty rom files showing up which is causing download errors. We are in the process of fixing the problem.

On a side note increased visitors have caused yet another increase in server usage and yet again we are nearly maxing out this brand new server! FYI~

8.07.08 - Line Issues & Database Issues Resolved

At 10:30 am our server decided it didn't want roms in it's database anymore and for some reason locked the roms out of the database. Also our line is being worked on to upgrade it for the recent COMCAST issues we have been experiencing. The site should be fully functional now after about 7 hours of downtime.

7.24.08 - New Games

As usual, our ROM count just keeps going up. We have added over 1000 new Gameboy Advance titles, with more on the way. We are also revamping the Sony PSX section, and some games are offline right now. We are in the process of adding more than ever, so please bear with us.

6.28.08 - Bot Attacks!

Well it seems whoever is in charge of attacking doperoms (making it slower then usual) also reads this blog. Because from the time we announced the improvements towards blocking hackers they started attacking more.

Now it really is a shame that someone is so pathetic that they wish to try to take down this awesome site instead of just leeching like everyone else! *Tisk *Tisk

So to combat the ever growing hack attempts we have instituted a banlist for anyone who attempts to flood or download flood this site. This banlist is fully automated and to get banned all one must do is attempt to leech downloads from doperoms.

This should solve the problem of pages loading slower then 1.0 seconds. ~Enjoy

6.14.08 - Nintendo DS & Microsoft Xbox Homebrew.

For anyone interested in user created home built games. The Nintendo DS and Microsoft Xbox sections have been updated with a few user-made games. We will be adding more soon.

6.14.08 - Good to Go.

The hard drive issue is now fixed and the new quad core server is now running faster then before.


PS: Watching hackers trying to attack doperoms makes us laugh! They are wasting their time attacking instead of playing. Poor fools don't realize they are ticking their life away on a lost cause (attacking doperoms)... HAHA!

6.12.08 - HD Critical & Overheating!

Well it looks like the server move didn't go off without a hitch. It seems the hitches are preparing to go supernova and melt! Our poor new 750gb hd is suffering from overheating. We are solving this problem ASAP.

Expect a few hours of downtime.

6.09.08 - Server Move Complete.

Welcome to the new faster doperoms server! We have more free hard drive space now so you can expect even more roms to be added to the archive! We hope you enjoy.

6.05.08 - Server Upgrade!

Yet again... we have to upgrade the server so we can allow the ever growing number of users the ability to access the site. Every month or two it seems we outgrow yet another server and now we are going for broke (literally).

We will be starting the file tranfer to the new Quad Core server tomorrow. Please note that during this time the only thing that you may notice is a lack of transfer speed.

For the next few days files may download slower then usual. We will keep you posted on the progress. The should not have any problems during this transfer other then what is noted above.

PS: For the next 24 hours you can download 100 total roms a day instead of 25 on doperoms. Enjoy!

5.26.08 - Rom Listing Fix!

In an effort to improve the ease of use of this site we have upgraded our rom listing page to a cleaner easier to read url format. If you have bookmarked any pages with ?abc= then they will no longer work.

5.15.08 - Die LEECHERS!

For the past few months we have had a few problems with bots attacking the download section of doperoms. For a while this has caused no real problems, but recently it seems they upped their attack.

Now in the past few days we have had a total of about 4-5 hours of downtime! This is the most downtime we have ever had.

So pretty much our code monkeys stayed up all night and the bot attacks, or any other attack on this service will now be instantly gobbled up... Much like pac-man eating everything on the screen even the ghosts!

We are sorry for the recent downtime but everything is now in tip-top shape. Enjoy!

5.02.08 - Emulator Listing Improvements

The emulator listing pages now show you which emulators are the most popular by download count. This will help some of you find emulators that will work better for you. Also a top emulator list has been added to every page on the right side.

5.02.08 - More Roms

We have a new audit system and a new higher rom count.
We are now at 93,206 roms!

*Super Mario (Rescuing The Princess) Tune*

4.12.08 - Nouveau

Check out the new DOPE ARCADE soooo sweet. You can play games instantly online for free, without having to download or install anything. Perfect for killin' time at work.

Also upgraded the forums to a higher quality script, offering better features and usability to our visitors. It looks cool too! Get over to the Dope Forums and start talkin' trash.

Some of you may have noticed that we now offer in-depth descriptions and a screenshot of our ROM systems. This is for the edification of the gaming world, hope you guys enjoy learning about your favorite consoles!

4.04.08 - Jump To Roms

Some of you may of noticed a Jump! button beside the ROM Search box on Pressing this button after entering some search text will jump you to the first result found. We hope this helps some of you find your backed up games faster.

3.29.08 - Sega SG-1000

We have added the Sega sg-100 set to our collection. Segas arcade system the sg-1000 was the precursor to the popular console the sega master system!

3.29.08 - Live Search Results

Using a technology known as AJAX we are able to provide real-time search results. Simply type in the search box what you are looking for and the three most downloaded games for your query will be shown. Easy right!

3.16.08 - Minor Downtime, Upgrades

DopeRoms would like to apologize for those of you who couldn't access the site this weekend. We upgraded our server (again) and some people were blocked out for a few hours. Everything is back in order, now with faster download speeds for our visitors.

2.28.08 - Nuon DVD Game System

We have added a now bankrupt and discontinued dvd game system known as nuon. Only a handfull of titles and utilities were actually made for this system. The company did manage to produce and release an sdk right before they went under, so at least it can live on! You can take a look at these roms on our menu list. We also added two emulators for this system and some sdk tools for anyone interested.

2.24.08 - Help Us Help You

The problem with DopeRoms is there are over 160,000 pages of content. We can't view all of these pages. We need your help finding any and all bugs!

If you find a bug please use the Forum and tell us about it.

PS: Doperoms is one of the newest and fastest growing emulation sites on the web. If you would like to support us please simply tell your friends! A lot of people do not even know what emulation is and DopeRoms is... Doperoms provides an easy way to tell your friends what emulation is all about. Just link them to and tell them to read the front page.

2.21.08 - ROM Count

Some of you may have noticed that our ROM count dipped below 90,000 recently. This occurred because of a hurried server move, causing us to lose a few of the games. Right now the missing sets are being uploaded again, so that 100% of our archive will be available.

Also, we are continuing to increase our Sony Playstation and Sega Dreamcast ISO sets, so expect to see more games everyday.

2.07.08 - MAME 0.123 Update.

MAME is by far one of the most popular emulators on the planet. It emulates over 3000 games! The newest version contains added arcade machine emulation. We have updated our mame section to include the roms from the 0.123 upgrade, enjoy.

1.22.08 - Navigation & Browsing Upgrades.

Finally you can see which page you are navigating when browsing roms. No more guessing which page you are on because now the page you are viewing is highlighted with a blue border around that page number on listing pages.

Also there is a Legend Key with some rom information that may help newcomers find working roms.

Check out these updates by browsing a rom listing page.

1.20.08 - New Server With More Power!

For anyone interested we have upgraded the server to a faster processor and more ram to serve even more users. All users should see the new server as of 1.22.08. If you are reading this then you are on the new server!

12.20.07 - Top Roms Per Category.

Just a minor upgrade. While browsing rom sections on the site the top roms menu on the right of the page will show you the top roms for the system you are browsing.

Also the number of top roms that shows has been changed from 5 to 10.

12.19.07 - More ROMs!

Yesterday the site experienced some down time, due to a server error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our users, and we believe to have permanantly eliminated the problem.

We are in the process of adding a ton of games to our database right now. DOS, NEC PC-FX, Sega Dreamcast, TurboGrafx 16 CD, and Phillips CD-i games will all become available in the next few weeks. We will also be putting a plethora of Sony PSX games online too, but probably only the more popular titles as the games are very large. Enjoy, and if you see something we don't have, feel free to mention it in the Forums.

12.5.07 - New ISO sets online.

Our ROM count just never stops going up. We just finished adding the Atari Jaguar CD and Neo Geo CD ROMs sections. The full Sega CD set is back online too, as promised. We also added a PSX game, with the rest of the set on its way in the near future.

Next on the chopping block is Sega Saturn. These games are almost all 400mb+, so it could be a week or two before the whole set is online, but you will see them appearing shortly over the next week or so. If you see something we dont offer, contact us and let us know what we are missing. Our goal is to have the #1 ROM archive on the net!

11.26.07 - Game cheats & new roms

We have just implemented a new game cheat system, so when users download a game they can view popular cheats for that given title. There have only been a handful added so far, but we hope to encompass our entire collection eventually. Up next will be walkthroughs, screenshots, videos, and more.

The 3DO games are almost all online, with about 8 gigabytes left to go. We are also redoing the Sega CD section, as roms A-M were lost last week during some server troubles. As always, we are dedicated to increasing our ROM count. Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, and a few other ISO-based systems should be up very soon.

11.16.07 - Forums Rebuilt, 3DO Games Added

In the past few days, we have rebuilt and rejuvenated the Dope Forums. Users of the old forum will have to re-register, but these forums promise to be bigger and better for everyone.

We have also added the 3DO ROMs section, and are in the process of uploading the whole set. These games are ISO files, and are very large in size, so you may want to use a download accelerator. We are 1/5th the way done uploading the set of games, so expect for the complete set to be up in about a week or so.

Stay tuned, we are adding more games and consoles every day.

11.12.07 - Download System Changes & Database Status

All non premier users are limited to 20 downloads in 20 hours.

We have been experiencing database connection issues so we added a live database status page. This page shows you the current database usage and stats.

You can now view the live database status Here.

11.10.07 - Download Features Added

Resumable downloads and support for download accelerators has been added to the system. Also sega cd iso's are now available for download in the Sega Cd section.

11.8.07 - New Server

Today is a new beginning for us here at After about 3 weeks of struggling to move to a new server, we are finally fully setup and online. We have added the Gameboy Advance ROMs section, along with the Sega CD Isos.

In the upcoming month expect to see some great new features hit Dope. We are implementing a Forum, Blog, Emulation News, and more download features. We will also be streamlining the site design somewhat. Thanks for your continued support!

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